Thursday, March 3, 2011


What is the cleanse?

Shakeology is a meal replacement shake designed to be enjoyed every day, one meal a day. But for this cleanse, it will be used three times a day for three days. (go to to learn more about Shakeology).

The Shakeology Cleanse is meant to jump start you in your fitness, break a plateau or shred pounds fast & effectively in a healthy way. The key is caloric efficiency; getting the most nutrients possible out of the fewest number of calories.

This can help you become healthier from the inside out. Internal health is the foundation to external beauty.

People are getting fantastic results ~ Lose weight, feel great!

The basics are as follows:

3 SHAKEOLOGY Shakes a day (blended with water and ice)
2 Cups of Green Tea a Day (Triple Leaf Detox Tea is good choice)
1 piece of fruit a day (Apple, pear, orange, banana, mango, etc)
1 salad for dinner (lettuce, veggies, lean protein)
– 4 oz lean protein in salad (WHITE poultry or fish)
– Only Low Fat Dressings.

NO Dairy (no almond, soy, or rice milk) or extra sugars. If it’s not on the list, don’t eat it!

Here are the directions:

You can purchase your packets needed for the Cleanse thru me (9 total, message me) for $50 plus shipping.
Or purchase a 30 day supply thru
Message me for info!

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